License Agreement / Copyright Notice

With installation and/or use of this software, as well as the passing on to third parties, the user accepts this license agreement.


The author of this program, which is freeware, assures the user a time unlimited, free license, if the following conditions are given:

  • The software is used exclusively for non-commercial purposes
  • For use in schools, other educational institutions or for commercial purposes, the written consent of the author must be obtained.

If these conditions are not met, the user is allowed to test the program for 30 (thirty) days without obligation (again, commercial use must be discussed with the author beforehand).
Within the framework of the above-mentioned free license, the “Licensee” has no right to technical or other support in any form.


The user is entitled to pass this software on to third parties free of charge and in an exclusively unchanged condition. An exception to this is the inclusion in other commercial projects.
The passing on by booklet CD’s of magazines or the linking in on-line offers is hereby expressly permitted (a notification over the mail address below would be however desirable).
All rights remain in any case with the author of the software.


The user is not allowed to reverse engineer, decompile or perform similar operations on this software that would visibly alter the source code of the program and/or modify the program.


The author of this software is NOT obligated to provide product support (“Support”).
This includes all updates, which are also covered by this license.


In no event (including negligence) shall the author of this program be liable for any damages of any kind (including loss of data, loss of profits/loss of revenue) arising out of the use or distribution of the software.


Please follow the link to the privacy policy to get details about this. The software itself sends a data packet to our servers only for update control. This only contains the request, without any reference to the user.


Should any provision of this agreement be wholly or partially invalid and/or unenforceable and/or later lose its validity and/or enforceability, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the agreement. The same shall apply if it should turn out that the contract contains a loophole. In place of the invalid and/or unenforceable provisions or in order to fill the gap, an appropriate provision shall
appropriate provision shall apply which, as far as legally possible, comes as close as possible to the intended provision.

Copyright © 2001-2022 by Melanie Perner.
All rights reserved.

Melanie Perner
eMail: mail@us