Map Network Drives, available as V2 now

A small application, but it can help all, who often have to work with network shares, or who like to connect their cloud storage via WebDav to be able to address it as a local drive.

The application is written in AutoIt, the configuration data of your connections and the drive letter you use are stored locally in a file, in the same directory as the application. If you have enabled User Account Control (UAC) in Windows, please do not place the application on the drive where the operating system is installed, but use an alternative drive to avoid starting it with elevated privileges.

The access data is encrypted, the configuration file is bound to the computer on which it was created. However, in the event of the file being stolen or suspected misuse, it is advisable to change the passwords for the shares immediately.

Example of an Ini File created out of the Application

New in version 2 is the possibility to change the language of the application. Currently 2 language files are available for English and German. Here we ask for your cooperation to be able to provide more languages in the download area in a timely manner.

Users of the V1 version can switch to V2 without any further changes! No further adjustments are necessary. Please only download the language files and unpack them into the target directory of the application before the first start.

The user interface has also been redesigned and has a modern look.

A new sleek interface that gives you an overview of the steps you still need to perform at any time
Clearly understandable instructions
An overview of the status of the connections
And, if necessary, a help file in case of any troubles

For administrators an extension of the application is still available, with which the configuration file can be passed on, and/or be provided for different computers in a slip. This file is only issued on request. If you are interested in it, please contact us by mail.

The application is free for private use. You can download version 2 here for the 32 bit version, or here for the 64 bit version.

Version 1 is still available and can be downloaded here.